Sunday, March 29, 2015

What a great evening of music! We had a Stake Easter Musical Fireside and each Ward contributed one or two pieces, all of the Primary children sang a piece, and then all of the choirs sang a joint piece together. Some of the music was so, so good! There had to have been at least 100 Primary kids singing He Sent His Son and it was fabulous and the Spirit was so strong. I conducted the last piece, Did You See Him in the Garden.  All of the Ward Choirs practiced on their own and we had never rehearsed all together... but it turned out great and was so powerful and the Spirit was so strong! There were so many other great musical numbers and choir numbers! Afterwards, we had a dessert potluck and there was a ton of good desserts. Cameron played in a cello duet for prelude and did a great job, Logan and Emma got to sing in the Primary number, Cameron and Errolyn sang in the combined choir piece, I conducted and ran the evening, and Mike ran the sound. And Allie was just  happy to be there. ;)

There have been a few hiccups with the land we're buying. We feel that everything will work out in the end, but buying the land will be one of those leap of faith decisions. I'll write more at the end of this process. We took the kids to hike the land on Saturday and they loved exploring and hiking around. I'm getting excited to own it soon!

Poor Emma is allergic to Oak pollen. Her eyes have been hugely swollen and she's been congested. The Zyrtec helps great, but if we give it to her even a little late, her eyes get so bad. Errolyn was excited that they got Sweepstakes at UIL.  Cameron's orchestra also made Sweepstakes. Logan is doing well in chess and has his first tournament in a couple of weeks. Emma started soccer for the first time and is so excited. Logan will be doing baseball this season, and Errolyn volleyball as usual, and Cameron's doing well in tennis at school. We've been slowly but surely getting the house organized. It always goes into disarray when I'm pregnant and then slowly gets back to where it should be after I have the baby. The kids have been super great at yard work and inside cleaning and I'm glad I have a hardworking family!

Life is good!


  1. Sounds like a great week. I hope there's no road bumps or red tape getting your loan!

  2. Great family. Thank you for keeping us up to date. Love you.
