Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A little late on this news, but Cameron has been called to be a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Brasil Rio de Janeiro South Mission. I'm so excited for him! When he opened his call it was a flood of anticipation and the Spirit. He knew he would be called where the Lord wanted him to be. We had a map up on the wall and everyone was guessing where they thought Cameron would go. Cameron put on a sticky note above the map, "Where the Lord Wants Me" or something along those lines. We've raised a good kid!

We've prepared Cameron his whole life for him to go on a mission, and now that he's going to leave soon, it's a little bitter sweet. I'm going to miss him terribly. And I'm kind of concerned about the crime in Rio. People keep telling me to have faith, but guess what? Sometimes good missionaries with faith still die on their missions. :/ But, I have to have faith that he is doing the Lord's will. Cameron is constantly trying to live the Gospel and I have no doubt he will be an excellent missionary. Like his Dad, once he learns something he doesn't forget it, so he knows a LOT about the church and its teachings. I'm so grateful he will have this opportunity.

Cameron was also accepted into BYU. After years and years of striving for this goal, I was really nervous for him. But, he made it! Yea! I'm so excited he'll have a chance to go to school with lots of people who share his beliefs. I love raising my kids out of Utah because it helps them become leaders and its easier to see the black and white of what is wrong. But, after an entire life of having to stick up for his beliefs and be the different one, I think it will be good to finally be around a lot of people who believe the same things and are their to support and lift him up in his beliefs. I'm excited!

Errolyn is doing so well in basketball that they've moved her from the Freshman team to the JV team for off-season. Yea! And she's also on a small club team and plays YW basketball so she's getting more experience at dribbling.

Errolyn and Cameron both received 1's on their solos for Solo & Ensemble. Cameron is debating if he should compete in State or work to save more money for his mission. He's $1600 short... but he's working any chance he can, so I think he'll be able to save it all before he leaves. Cameron isn't doing tennis this year, but instead has been participating in Quiz Bowl, Science UIL, Math UIL, and the Ultimate Frisbee Club. He's been having a blast his Senior year and has made some good friends that he plays games with at lunch.

Logan is doing well in his French Horn lessons. He enjoys playing sports, but realizes they will conflict with band a lot, so he's not really choosing "a" sport. Emma is good at soccer, but we see some natural abilities in basketball with her, so we're trying her out on that now. Allie is just happy and loves doing her chart and chores at home to be like the other kids.

I just returned from a trip to Utah to see Abigail's baptism. I really loved being able to see so many from my family! I loved hanging out with everyone and catching up. I had some travel mishaps with delayed flights and a rental car that was left in transportation mode, but other than that, I had a great time seeing everyone.

Mike is doing well. He was on TV yesterday being interviewed on the news, which was fun to see. I wish I wrote more. There's still a lot I need to improve on with my family, but there are some things I feel I'm doing really well in. We've decided to scratch our FHE lesson list for the next 3 months and instead we're focusing on social skills, conflict resolution, being teachable, etc. but from a gospel perspective. I've found some good routines with going to the gym in the morning, cleaning, and making my daily "to do" lists, and I feel like I'm getting a lot accomplished. We used to eat dinner as a family every single night, but the last few years (since having Allie), we haven't been great about it. I've made a renewed effort to make that a priority for the day by preparing dinner in the morning, since I'm always too busy in the evening to cook. And it's made all of the difference. I love talking with everyone around the table... it makes my momma heart proud.

I'm sure there's a ton more... but, that's it for now. Life is good!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I've been reflecting on much lately. First, my oldest son, Cameron has submitted his mission paperwork to the Bishop for his final interview, and then it will go on to the Stake. To see the wonderful young man that Cameron has become makes me proud and feel the spirit on so many levels. As a parent, you try to do the right things, to raise your children to be strong, responsible, capable, righteous human beings. But, ultimately, we all fall short. I am not a perfect mom and always worry that my weaknesses will negatively affect my children. But, my constant prayer is that Heavenly Father will make up the difference. And I look at Cameron, and I know that Heavenly Father has truly made up the difference. Cameron has such a strong, unwavering testimony of the gospel and he will be a great instrument in the Lord's hands as he serves his mission. Yes, at times I'm sad that he'll leave me... I love him so much! But, this is what we've raised him to do. And to see him start to fulfill his spiritual goals, is an irreplaceable feeling as a mother.

I've also thought a lot about Mike being Bishop over the last 2 1/2 years. When Mike was first called, many people offered their condolences, jokingly of course. And while his calling has been busy for our family, it is an experience I would not soon trade. The time Mike spends being Bishop, has actually made our family closer as we cherish the times more that we have together. I feel its good for the kids to see us serving and giving our all to building up the Lord's kingdom and in return, again, I have felt that the Lord has made up the difference in our family. I have felt like this with many callings Mike has held over the years. When he was first called to be Elder's Quorum President, many years ago, he was set apart with special blessings given for our family and I truly felt lifted up during that period of time. I feel that now. I am grateful for this opportunity that has stretched our family and helped us to grow. And I'm grateful for the man my husband is and who he is becoming. I know few husband's who work all day, spend time on their calling, and then come home and start doing dishes, or start cleaning the house, and then help kids with homework. He is a man of tireless service and spiritual insights and I'm grateful for him.

I've also been reflecting on some goals I personally set and that we set as a family, about 2 years ago. With few exceptions, we attend the temple every month. As a family, we've all started doing more family history work and Cameron, Errolyn, Mike & I, have all taken names to the temple this last year. We're reading the Book of Mormon more consistently as a family and discussing it more frequently. Our dinner time has turned into one of reflection, where we return and report what we're thankful for each day, how we've served someone that day, and how we in turn recognize and are thankful for a service we received that day. Our Ward is paired with the Spanish Branch, but a year ago it was a Spanish Group within our ward, and Mike and I both studied Spanish each evening so we could better communicate with the members. We haven't missed a Family Home Evening in over 11 years, but we've been trying to bring the Spirit in more and make sure the lessons and discussions are better and more thought out. We've been praying morning and evening as a family and encouraging our kids to really talk with the Lord as they pray. We've been eating healthier as a family and all joined a gym this last year to exercise more frequently. I've been reading my personal scriptures more consistently and have received many insights and promptings from reading them. As a family we made a goal to be kinder and softer spoken, and I've seen the difference its made. I remember when we set most of these goals, they all seemed so daunting. Some of these things we already did, but we wanted to do them better or more consistently. And its so nice after a couple of years to look back and see that we're doing it! To see the progress we've made as a family! We're not perfect by far, and still have a long road of progression, but I am grateful for the help Heavenly Father has given us through our journey so far.

Mike and I went to the temple a few days ago, and these things and many others have been flowing through my mind and I just feel grateful; so very grateful for the blessings the Lord has seen fit to bestow upon my family. I wish that every family could come to know of the Spirit that we feel. (Which uncoincidentally are some of the goals we're working on as a family for this coming year.)

The other kids are doing well. Errolyn reads her patriarchal blessing each Sunday and as I watch her blossom, I am more and more feeling the Spirit through her. She is a beautiful young women inside and out and I'm grateful she is choosing the good path. Logan is starting to come into his own. He's definitely knowledgeable about the scriptures and if he can use the endless energy he has for good as he grows older, he will be an unstoppable force for good. It's so fun to see him make good choices and desire to serve others and to receive the Priesthood later this year. Emma is still as sweet spirited as ever and will be baptized next month. She has 2 articles of faith left to memorize before she's baptized and she already has developed a strong testimony of being Christ-like and helping others. And Allie, is our little sweet heart. She's kind-hearted, helpful, and rarely anything but happy. I'm so grateful for my family!