So, I decided that I would devote one hour for the daily things I wanted to get done every day, leaving more time for me to start knocking things off of my lengthy "to do" list. Yes, one hour is not long enough to do any of these things well or as long as I would like, but at least if I'm gone the rest of the day running errands I won't feel like I failed myself in some of these areas. So, I picked six things that I wanted to get done every day and I set the timer for 10 minutes for each item. Exercise: approximately 3 Zumba songs, Chore, Laundry, Organize: cabinets, drawers, closets, etc., Violin, and Piano. I'll make more time to do exercise and especially cleaning on most days, but if I'm gone all day running errands, at the very minimum I've done these basics.
I love my 10 minute rotations! Often times I come back to these things after the hour because I see more things I want to get done. But, sometimes, I don't because I'm so crazy busy. The exercise makes me happier and gets my blood flowing so I have the desire and energy to clean. It's amazing how much you can clean in 10 minutes when you're moving fast and know you only have 10 minutes. And the same thing goes for organizing. My cabinets aren't terrible, but I can touch up several of them in just 10 minutes, or sort through a stack of papers, or clean under the couch. I've always wanted to practice my violin more because I love playing and want to get better, but I just can't spend the time to practice for an hour each day. It's been so nice to play each day, even if just for a little bit. The last 10 minute rotation was going to be dinner prep. But, because we currently have swim team in the evenings for 2 hours, we haven't been having formal dinners, but quick ones at different times. We'll go back to better dinners in a couple of weeks when school is out and swim team moves to the mornings. So, I had the impression to add in a piano rotation. I used to love playing the piano, just to play and sing. But, honestly, I haven't done it in ages!! I play the piano to find pieces for my choir to sing, or for piano lessons, but it's been years since I played the piano just for pleasure.
I opened up a binder of music and began playing and singing "Look Inside Yourself." After one verse, I was overcome with the Spirit and heard the thought, "This is who you are. Remember who you are." I broke down crying while I continued to play for the rest of the 10 minutes. I am not a great pianist by any means, but I forgot how much I enjoy playing the piano and singing. I forgot the calming peace I feel when I play. I forgot how much I feel the Spirit when I'm singing good music. I forgot how much playing for myself grounds me and fulfills my need for "me" time. It was wonderful! I will surely leave that 10 minute rotation in so I can fill my need for peace and "me" time.
Anyway, that experience probably will seem silly to most, but it was profound to me. We are also trying to simplify our lives in activities and home organization and it's so freeing to get rid of junk or time wasting activities!
Well, Cameron turned 16! He got his driver's license on his birthday. He went on his first date this last weekend to Mormon Prom. He paired up with three other couples which was fun. The Prom dinner was at my house. So, we hung up sheer curtains and lights in the archways to the front rooms to separate it from the house. We put in a table leaf, got a nice table cloth and runner, I borrowed Heidi's china and one of the boys' gold silverware (or goldware), I ironed fancy napkins with name cards and small flowers tucked in the pockets, there were candles and flowers on the table, goblets for drinks, and I made a nice looking menu. I know, I didn't simplify there. :) But, it was fun to put it all together and it's fun to use my creativity once in a while. The other boys' parents were in charge of all of the cooking, and the food was great. Errolyn and her two friends were the waitresses. I daresay, that the table and food was way nicer than most restaurants. Heidi made two of the corsages and boutonnieres and they were beautiful. Mike and I chaperoned the dance and then took people to their after prom activity. Errolyn went to an anti-prom party for those not old enough to go to prom, and she had a lot of fun.
Logan auditioned for his school's talent show and was one of a few 3rd graders selected to participate. He's singing "Wave Your Flag." Errolyn competed against almost 100 teams from 12 different middle school's in a Gifted and Talented Mentathlon and her team took 1st. Emma graduates from Kindergarten next week which is fun. Allie is talking up a storm. We taught her "Red Light, Green Light" yesterday and she loved it! I wish I had videotaped her because she was so cute playing. And I'm hosting a double 16th birthday party this weekend for Cameron and his friend Ben.
I'm sure a ton more has happened, but that's the short version. :)
(The table looked way nicer in person...)